題目一Chief complaints:
61 years old Mr. Wang felt weak and dizzy a few days ago, he didn’t pay much attention at that moment, he thought it may due to working overtime for the past a few weeks. Three days later he found that he had epigastric fullness feeling and passing dark stool so he went to Tzu Chi Hospital ER and he was admitted immediately to the ward for further treatment. You are the primary nurse, what information you need for a care plan?
題目二Chief complaints:
This 71 y/o female patient, Mrs. Fang, was transformed to ER from玉里榮民醫院due to fever and RHD s/p MV replacement Hx. She was admitted to R/O IE(Infective endocarditis). According to her family’s statement, she has had fever, cough with sputum but not too much, and felt tired, headache for 1 weeks. She was admitted immediately to the ward for further treatment. You are the primary nurse on the ward, how do you approach the patient?